Monday 27 August 2012

Everyone's Favourite Irishman (and mine) in : "Boy do I own a lot of t-shirts"

Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you use slavery, I will attack you with the North," and these are the principles that I will carry with me in my exchange.

So, visa in hand, rounding out the trifecta of awful pictures along with the CoE and passport (the freebird rule applies, any combination of two are an unstoppable tag team of unflattering lighting and exposure issues that will knock out any possibility that you might ever find me attractive down for the ten count) I am now ready to trip over that penultimate hurdle of PACKING


Easier than I thought to pick a load of clothes (lol I'm such a girl~~~ lmao rofl xd) , I should probably just toss the rest in the garbage but eh whatever somebody else'll do it maybe I guess. After further deliberation I just don't really care that much.

Just have to put a load of stuff for my Carry-on Up The Arakawa adventure into like a backpack or whatever and then what else do I have to do? I think that's pretty much it. Am I forgetting something?

Oh no wait hang on I remember I HAVE TO GO TO JAPAN

Sure can't wait to spend an entire day travelling and get jetlagged 'n shit

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