Tuesday, 20 November 2012

There's a good reason this blog hasn't been updated honey, you just haven't thought of it yet


I fully intended to keep this thing updated but well hey you all know how it is to move to the other side of the world and find yourself a street-smart fish out of water in a world you never made, don't you?

I'll bring you all up to speed like my homie MCA did back in the day (it might not have been MCA but if I navigate away from here to look that up then I'll never finish writing this entry, and I'll wind up listening to mashups of Beastie Boys and Natsukage and drown in feels and then it'll just NEVER update again on account of I'll be DEAD)

Long brackets. ANYWAY.

Seikei has more nature than expected. In related news, wind through trees on an otherwise silent sunday confirmed for still noise of the year, all years.

Dubai is REALLY hot and somehow vaguely distressing, but that might have been the sleep madness, caffeine and general sense of OH MY DAYS BLUD WHERE IS MY PLANE WHAT IF THE LOUNGE PEOPLE FIND OUT I'M NOT REALLY A BUSINESSMAN, however this pales in comparison to the fact that emirates serves the BEST orange juice that you or I will ever drink in our lives.

Japan, or rather Kichijoji is pretty easy to live in. Not much reason to go anywhere else, after all, especially after I found a decent Indian restaurant.

Tokyo is super cool, and mountains are nice (why do they call it yamanashi when there are loads of mountains, HA HA HA) and picking grapes on a sunny day is the closest to heaven I have ever been in my life.

IN SHORT, everything went better than expected. Or, true to form, expressed in gif form:

The Boogeyman=Japan